Prăjire pentru gust, nu pentru stilul de preparare

Revine in stoc pe 6.03.2024 Profil aromatic: note dulci, ciocolată, nucă Aceste boabe columbiene au o aromă puternică de ciocolată...
This is a soft and fresh coffee, balanced and versatile. It represents the typical flavors from this zone in a...
Revine in stoc pe 6.03.2024 Profil aromatic: note dulci, ciocolată, nucă Aceste boabe columbiene au o aromă puternică de ciocolată...
This is a soft and fresh coffee, balanced and versatile. It represents the typical flavors from this zone in a...
Revine in stoc pe 6.03.2024 Profil aromatic: note dulci, ciocolată, nucă Aceste boabe columbiene au o aromă puternică de ciocolată...
Profil aromatic: note de ciocolată neagră, nuci și banane coapte ACRIM este un laborator de procesare separată a boabelor de...
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Vezi ce zic clienții noștri
For me it's one of the best coffees I had. Keep in mind I do not like coffee that is very strong, this one is more full of flavour and has a certain something, I don't know what it is, that makes the taste special and well defined.
One of the best corner baristas in Bucharest. Enjoyable coffee experience and a fantastic brew.
Cozy place serving a light, but aromatic coffee, very well prepared
My third V60 today in as many coffee shops and so far this is the best one. Also the cheapest one. Give this a try.
Every working day I stop and have my coffee to go. Most of the time my coworker stops too and we have one there. Best coffee, very nice guys there, homey atmosphere.