Hario Dripper V60 Tetsu Katsuya 02
139,00 lei
139,00 lei
Porcelain dripper for pour-over coffee brewing. The Kasuya model was made in cooperation with Tetsu Kasuya, the winner of the most prestigious alternative coffee brewing competition, World Brewers Cup in 2016. The conventional rib shape of the V60 dripper has been customized in this model. It slows the water down for better extraction of coffee, making it possible to brew stronger coffee even with the same amount of coarse grounds. Size: V60-02 Colour: black Material: ceramics
Hario V60-02 allow you to brew 300 - 500 ml of coffee at a time, which is enough for a big mug or two smaller portions. This ceramic version offers a stylish design available in several colours. Furthermore, it is characterized by a very good level of heat keeping. Its conical form and special grooves on the inside of the dripper provide the perfect water flow.
The set includes a plastic measuring spoon. It does not include the server in the picture.
To prepare delicious coffee you need freshly ground coffee of high quality, a filter, your favourite cup or server and scales. Put the filter in the dripper and put it on the vessel that you use for serving coffee. The infusion process takes only 3 - 4 minutes.
Another advantage of this method is extremely easy maintenance. After use, simply remove the filter and wash the dripper in running water or in a dishwasher.