20grams coffee

Ethiopia, Yirgacheffe, Teku Shequ Kurse

47,00 lei
47,00 lei

Teku Shequ Kurse - Single-Farmer Ethiopian Coffee

Origin: Produced by Teku Shequ Kurse in Oru Batala kebele, Yirgacheffe zone, Ethiopia

Variety: Heirloom (74112)

Processing: Natural

Altitude: 2130 masl

Crop Year: 2024

Aroma Profile: Intense, clean with bright citrus fruit, purple plum, white peach, red berries, and black tea notes

Farm Details:

  • 5.03 hectares of farmland
  • Over 30 years of coffee cultivation experience
  • Premium variety cultivation

Harvest Period: October to December

Special Project: This coffee is part of a single-farmer initiative launched by Nordic Approach in the 2023-2024 harvest. The project supports Ethiopian farmers with export licenses (for those with over 2 hectares of land) who struggle with market access and export logistics. By purchasing directly from these farmers and allowing them to act as exporters, the initiative aims to create sustainable markets with higher premiums for quality production.

All our coffees are light roasted to preserve the unique terroir and growing conditions that contribute to the coffee's distinctive qualities. Fresh grinding is recommended for optimal flavor, though we offer grinding services upon request.